


Wa Student Growth Rubrics (1)


  1. I so appreciated Katie's advocacy perspective on issues such as student growth, teacher/principal evaluation, and the necessity of engaging in crucial conversations. I also felt that the whole group and partner discussions genuinely surfaced the issues causing tension in our profession - we are now and will continue to engage with these issues from both the teacher and leadership perspectives.

    1. I am so in agreement that engaging with teachers about testing/evaluation conversations is imperative. I believe that it's important to ground this dialogue with all teachers and tie in the mission and vision. I am sold on mission and vision, SIP plan, and the whatever it takes attitude. Fantastic work from Katie and Nicole.

  2. I learn so much from listening to our cohort process and share stories from their context - thanks Danielle for the conversation about what tests you'd suggest to eliminate from school, it really prompted my thinking.

  3. Cassie, Robot Princess VIIOctober 29, 2015 at 8:37 PM

    It's always a great reminder to maintain balance in our lives, especially when the "business" starts to feel overwhelming. And, once again, I'm in awe of my classmates. Thank you, Katie, for sharing more of what you do. I've been curious about your work and CSTP; it sounds like a great organization. And I will be referencing the TPEP site now that I know that it exists! Thank you!

  4. I really loved Katie's presentation and I learned a lot about how the student growth goals were decided and created. I also really appreciated the reflections on the various CSIPs analyzed because it gave me some ideas to keep in mind as I work with my site team at my school and we work through the process of creating a new CSIP.

  5. I was truly unsure about my analysis of a CSIP Plan. I saw some great work from Nicolle and Michelle SIP Analysis. Their very authentic analysis were refreshing to see and gave me some comfort in knowing what I personally analyzed from my school was not too far off from their conclusions. So great work, and Go Cohort of Awesomeness!!!

  6. I appreciated the honest feedback about the CSIP Plans that were analyzed. This will drive the outlook and approach we take when creating our own plan in the future. I also valued the conversation around student growth goals and it was eye opening to hear the different viewpoints and different ways districts approach this process.

  7. I was impressed with Katie's presentation on TPEP. I am back in the classroom again after 5 years and will be experiencing the new eval. process for the first time. The process really help clarify what is the really at the core of the process. It has made me think of somethings I would need to do as a principal to make sure I make the process of evaluation as valuable as it can be. - Ray

  8. Awesome presentation Katie, you are a gifted speaker. A few takeaway quotes that will help frame my future conversations around setting student growth goals were “when we try to make things simple, we are focusing on the technical changes and not the adaptive changes.” For true change to occur...and to “make a positive change for our students—we need to ask ourselves what do we need to know to make sure kids are learning?” Your presentation was very well organized, the directions and expectations were clear, and the task was extremely meaningful. Your depth of knowledge around growth goals is impressive; I will definitely seek you out soon.

  9. I have been wanting to see more in-depth what CSTP is all about. At OSPI I often heard references about the partnership but didn't know the content or connection. I enjoyed seeing what their website has to offer and how helpful it will be for teachers to use. Since I haven't been in a classroom for almost 10 years I am only aware of the surface details around goals and growth so any information I can access is helpful as I continue to build my knowledge base. The partnering to share "examples" of goals that were available on the site for educators to access was a great analysis quick think. I also love that Katie tied it to our recent readings in Leadership on the Line in regards to technical versus adaptive changes. Thanks Katie!!

  10. Thank you Katie for taking the stage.
    As others have mentioned, it is obvious that you have an abundance of passion for this profession of teaching, learning, and leading. It seems natural, then, that you gravitated toward an organization that seems to embody and empower all three at once. It seems like it could possibly be very analogous to the principalship that you seek. The teachers that you empower, the leaders that you build within your building, and the learning that you promote, can become, in some ways perhaps, more personal. They will stay with you and become...yours. At the risk of sounding cheesy, I'd love to work in your building.

    1. This was Corey. Not sure why I am unknown. This kinda hurts my feelings.
