This Assignment is No longer Required
Create a Presentation to your staff that explains Student Growth Goal Setting/TPEP.
•Put your main concepts into a presentation you can share with your first staff.
•Prepare to share in small groups.
We'll use this rubric to give each other feedback on this assignment:
Content reflects thoughtfulness and completeness (depth)
1 2 3 4
Material is logically organized
1 2 3 4
Student Growth Goal Setting/TPEP is articulated clearly
1 2 3 4
Presentation reflects competence of the leader
1 2 3 4
How long should it be?
If we gave everyone 10 minutes it would take us over 2 hours to hear them all...which is why you'll be sharing in a smaller group and giving each other feedback. Think about how long you'd like to hear your principal talk about this topic at a staff meeting...that might help you plan the length. This assignment is intended to help you articulate what you know about this part of the work as it relates to the collection of data.
If we gave everyone 10 minutes it would take us over 2 hours to hear them all...which is why you'll be sharing in a smaller group and giving each other feedback. Think about how long you'd like to hear your principal talk about this topic at a staff meeting...that might help you plan the length. This assignment is intended to help you articulate what you know about this part of the work as it relates to the collection of data. The best resource