AWSP Leadership Framework & User's Guide
Criterion 3 Rubric | Planning with Data
Leading the development, implementation and evaluation of a data-driven plan for increasing student achievement, including the use of multiple student data elements.
Data refers to any type of information. Information or data can be represented numerically; data is also qualitative, the result from a relevant conversation with any stakeholder. Effective leaders rely on data to promote improvement in multiple aspects of school and across all of the eight Criteria. A leader influences others to achieve mutually-agreed upon purposes for the improvement of teaching and learning through consistent use of data. Acting on knowledge achieved through data becomes a cultural norm across the school.
3.1 Recognizes and seeks out multiple data sources
Does not recognize multiple sources or quality of data or has a limited understanding of the power and meaning of data
Seeks multiple sources of data to guide decision making; emerging knowledge of what constitutes valid and reliable sources of data and data integrity
Systematically collects valid and reliable data from at least three sources to be used in problem solving and decision making; builds capacity of staff to recognize information as data by providing examples of using data throughout the building and in staff meetings; systematically gathers data on grades, attendance, behavior and other variables to inform efforts
Is proficient AND explores and uses a wide variety of monitoring and data collection strategies; responds to an identified need for timely data by putting new data collection processes in place to collect reliable and valid data
3.2 Analyzes and interprets multiple data sources to inform school-level improvement efforts
Reviews and shares limited school-level data only as required; interpretation of data may be incorrect or incomplete; misuses data
Uses numerous data analysis methods and eager to broaden knowledge of data analysis and interpretation; uses school-level data to inform improvement across eight criteria
Analysis includes multiple years of data, including state, district, school and formal and informal classroom assessments; interprets available data to make informed decisions about strengths and areas of need; provides teacher teams with previous year’s data and asks them to assess students’ current needs
Is proficient AND consistently leads in data interpretation, analysis, and communication; links multiple years of student data to teachers and builds capacity of staff to understand and use their data for improved teaching and learning; practices a high standard for data reliability, validity and fairness and keeps these concepts in the forefront of conversations with staff
3.3 Implements data driven plan for improved teaching and learning
Plan is limited, not data driven and/or not aligned with the needs of the school; little stakeholder involvement and commitment
Plan is monitored, evaluated and revised resulting in data driven changes; works to build stakeholder involvement and commitment; models data-driven conversations in support of plan
Provides leadership such that plan is clearly articulated and includes action steps and progress monitoring strategies, and strategies in the plan are directly aligned with the data analysis process and are research based; leads ongoing review of progress and results to make timely adjustments to the plan; data insights are regularly the subject of faculty meetings and PD sessions
Is proficient AND creates a school culture of using data for decisions and continuous improvement in aspects of school life; orchestrates high-quality, low-stakes action planning meetings after each round of assessments; data driven plan specifically documents examples of decisions made on the basis of data analysis and results are documented to inform future decisions; provides assistance or coaching to other school administrators to improve their data driven plan and analysis
3.4 Assists staff to use data to guide, modify and improve classroom teaching and student learning
Does not assist staff to use data to reflect on effectiveness of lessons, guide lesson and assessment development, differentiate instruction, and to determine whether re-teaching, practice or moving forward is appropriate
Occasionally assists staff to use multiple types of data to reflect on teaching to determine whether re-teaching, practice or moving forward is appropriate; strategies result in incomplete relationship between the actions of teachers and the impact on student achievement
Regularly assists staff to use multiple types of data to reflect on effectiveness of lessons, guide lesson and assessment development, differentiate instruction (highly achieving as well as non-proficient) and to determine whether re-teaching, practice or moving forward with instruction is appropriate at both the group and individual level; strategies result in clear relationship between the actions of teachers and the impact on student achievement
Is proficient AND demonstrates leadership by routinely and consistently leading teachers to use multiple types of data to reflect on effectiveness of lessons, guide lesson and assessment development, differentiate instruction, and to determine whether re-teaching, practice or moving forward with instruction is appropriate at both the group and individual level
3.5 Provides evidence of student growth that results from the school improvement planning process*
School improvement planning process results in no improvement in student academic growth
School improvement planning process results in minimal improvement in student academic growth
School improvement planning process results in measurable improvement in student academic growth
School improvement planning process results in significant improvement in student academic growth