
Philosophy Assignment w/ Rubric Due 10/9

Develop your Philosophy of Assessment
What will you adhere to in your practice?
What are you beliefs about the usage of data?
What are your non-negotiables?
What can your staff count on from you?
How do TPEP, CCSS and student growth fit?
Put your main concepts into a presentation you can share with your first staff.
Prepare to share in small groups next week.
We'll use this rubric to give each other feedback on this assignment:

Content reflects thoughtfulness and completeness (depth)

1                2                3                4

Material is logically organized

1                2                3                4

Philosophy is articulated clearly

1                2                3                4

Presentation reflects competence of the leader

1                2                3                4

How long should it be?  If we gave everyone 10 minutes it would take us over 2 hours to hear them all...which is why you'll be sharing in a smaller group and giving each other feedback.   Think about how long you'd like to hear your principal talk about this topic at a staff meeting...that might help you plan the length.  This assignment is intended to help you articulate what you believe and value in this area.


  1. Jennifer, Traci and CarlySeptember 28, 2013 at 3:12 PM

    Yeah!! We are so happy to see this assignment post while we are having a "heads together" on this.....

  2. Oh Glenn, the class is in for an incredible treat on Thursday! Just a little entertainment to highlight the importance of this work!

  3. I am glad that I did this assignment--not just because of its merit in self-exploration of assessment philosophy, but also because it taught me that if I am not careful, I am going to be too verbose as a principal.
